Who is Our Neighbor?

All are welcome to join us for our 1st service after our limited summer schedule. Featuring our new Consulting Minister, Barbara May in our new space at Aslan Institute! We will also be on Zoom if you can’t join us in person or feel safer at home. We ask that in-person attendees be fully vaccinated. Masks may be optional, depending on the situation at the time, so please bring one.

Zoom Link


“Who is our neighbor?” 

Twenty-one years ago, many of us watched helpless, in horror, and disbelief as the history of our Nation changed forever.  Many of us believed that as we moved forward from that moment we would move into a more equitable and honest way of living.  It is true that our Nation is broken in many ways.  It is also true that we have liberties other peoples can’t even fathom.  As we look back over the last two decades, how far have we really come?  Is fear still our primary motivator?  When we lump together whole groups of people instead of considering individual hearts, we lose our capacity to see them as our neighbors.  We lose sight of who we are and how we want to show up in the world.  Our Unitarian Universalist Principles can help us bridge those gaps and remember that every human, every being, is our neighbor.  

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