Stephanie Vos

Stephanie Vos's portrait

We are excited to return to weekly Sunday services (although online only) and to have Stephanie back with us. We are happy to announce that she is our new ministerial consultant and will be leading the services once a month.

For this service, here is a description: “There are no unsacred places; there are only sacred places and desecrated places.” – Wendell Berry There is no action of your life that is unsacred, only sacred actions and desecrated actions. Spiritual practice often feels specific and narrow – we’re supposed to meditate or read or do yoga, something private and calm and contained. But in a time calling for new imaginations and expanded connections, together we’ll seek to revolutionize the notion of spiritual practice so that our daily living, from where we spend money to how we eat, becomes a sacred commitment to the world we believe in. 


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